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Registration Fees

Fill the registration form and send it to:




- attendance certificate

- congress bag

- proceedings ebook

- lunches

- coffee breaks

- publish 2 articles

350 €
Student 1


- attendance certificate

- congress bag

- proceedings ebook

- lunches

- coffee breaks

- publish 2 articles

250 €
Student 2


- attendance certificate

- congress bag

- proceedings ebook

- coffee breaks

- publish 1 article

100 €
Important Notes

In order to schedule the presentation in the conference program, each abstract needs to have at least one author with a normal registration paid until September 1st.

STUDENT 1 - PhD students enrolled in a university can register as a student with the STUDENT 1 option. Proof of status from the PhD student's university office verifying full-time PhD status is required to process your application. 


STUDENT 2 - Undergraduated (BSc or MSc) students full-time enrolled in a college or university can register as a student with the STUDENT 2 option. Proof of status from the student's college or university office verifying full-time status (BSc or MSc) is required to process your application. 


Please send proof of your student status to:

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